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Tour suggestions at Hotel Skovly


Bornholm Rundt

Our annual and cozy Bornholm Rundt of 103 beautiful km, starts and ends in Rønne. The start is only 4 km from Hotel Skovly.
No timekeeping is done on the trip - and everyone runs at different speeds.
There are 4 depots and after the 103 km you have about 760 hm in your legs ...!

The last 4 km of the race rolls right past the driveway to Hotel Skovly.  


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To the north

The trip to the north is a wonderful experience.
You drive off the best cycle paths, side roads and very few main roads and experience Rø Plantage, Denmark's highest church with 130 meters and a nice climb of 16% ...
The trip is 65 km and about 560 hm and starts and ends at Hotel Skovly.

The trip to the north is on our STRAVA profile


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To the east

The trip to the east takes you towards Gudhjem - but not all the way down to Gudhjem. However, you can extend the trip all the way to Gudhjem - and possibly enjoy a good lunch or a nice coffee stop.

We have paid a visit to Bornholm's highest point (162 m) Rytterknægten - where you can stop for coffee at Cabin delux. From Nyker you drive on the disused railway, and roll down Kulvejen to Hotel Skovly

The trip can be seen on our STRAVA profile.


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To the south (1)

A short but nice wheelbarrow ride of just 27 km - a short ride before you take the ferry home.
The trip goes towards Almindingen, crosses over towards Vestermarie - Knudsker and home to Hotel Skovly again via the large quarry lakes in the Rønne area.

The trip can be extended with loops.

The trip is on our STRAVA profile.


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To the south (2)

74 km on the Bornholm country roads - which pull you through Almindingen - where you can choose to drive a trip up to Rytterknægten -  Aakirkeby, Vestermarie and Nyker. The trip to Nexø via Almindingen is on main roads and via Aakirkeby on a cycle path.
The tour starts and ends at Hotel Skovly.

The trip gives you 450 hm.

The trip is on our STRAVA profile


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To the south (2)

74 km on the Bornholm country roads - which pull you through Almindingen - where you can choose to drive a trip up to Rytterknægten -  Aakirkeby, Vestermarie and Nyker. The trip to Nexø via Almindingen is on main roads and via Aakirkeby on a cycle path.
The tour starts and ends at Hotel Skovly.

The trip gives you 450 hm.

The trip is on our STRAVA profile


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Den halv-lange

131 km og 875 hm -  en skøn tur rundt på Bornholm.
Du kører primært på de små veje og nedlagte jernbane-strækninger. Efter Nexø starter stigningerne....! Tag et kaffestop hos Maries i Nexø.

Efter ca 110 km møder du  PAUSESTEDET Tag en pause og en kop kaffe eller et stk chokolade. 

Turen ligger på vores STRAVA-profil med start og slut på Hotel Skovly

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Den hel-lange

163 km og 950 hm -  det er hvad Kongeetapen byder på..!
Du oplever lavlandet, Nexø, Almindingen, Rønne og bakkerne i nord. En skøn og hyggelig tur på de smalle veje og på vores hovedveje. 


På turen kommer du forbi PAUSESTEDET hvor du passende kan nappe en kop kaffe....! 

Turen ligger på vores STRAVA-profil

©2023 Hotel Skovly

Nyker Strandvej 40, 3700 Rønne, Danmark
Tel.: +45 5695 0784 - - CVR 14975896

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